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You don’t swim either: if you want to live for a long time, moreover, you have to consume much more fish. We tell you why.



Until boredom is a formula to eat as many fish as it is good for our health. And as in wine, there is a lot of truth in this: fish is one of the healthiest types of meat we still eat a little painfully. However, 30 dkg of fish consumption a week can have a significant impact on both our physical and mental health.


Eat yourself healthy with hearing


Did you think that the fish contains so many minerals, vitamins, proteins and fatty acids that they have seen the secret of eternal life in this food before? We’ve gathered you some arguments about why our elves could think of it.


10 reasons for the divine origin of fish:

1. Very rich in vitamins: mainly in A, B2, B6, B12 and D.

2. Excellent mineral content: important phosphorus, fluorine, selenium, iron, potassium, calcium source.

3. Yes, freshwater fish also have omega-3 fatty acids, which not only bleach, but also soothe tanned nerves. Mainly in large quantities in bus and trout.

4. Protein content is high, up to 15-20%.

5. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

6. Alzheimer’s disease is five times less likely for regular fish consumers.

7. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D) of the fish neutralize free radicals that can lead to cancerous diseases.

8. Protect against aging.

9. The dream of dieters: easy to digest, caloric content of drier varieties is very low, but its protein content is high. So you can fit into the diet for weight loss.

10. Delicious meat, and a variety of meat types.

The Eskimos are floating in front of your eyes


One of the main foods of the Eskimos is fish, with at least 4.2% of their energy intake coming from fish and seafood. As a result, diseases that are related to the heart or vascular system are almost unknown to the Eskimos unless it is a birth defect.


Because of their eating habits, they are sure they do not develop high cholesterol or vasoconstriction. All this is not a mendemond, but facts based on Jorn Dyerberg’s scientific observations, in which he studied the eating habits of the Greenland Eskimos.


Go over the fried fish! There are better catches too…


In practice, most of the population is aware of why we should consume as many fish as possible, but many people think that, apart from fried fish, they don’t really know another tasty alternative. But what we have to do is count as a boring catch after a while. And let’s add that this is not the healthiest version of fish.


It can be used in a much more diverse way, for example in soups, cooked, grilled and steamed. One of the highlights of culinary adventures can be the „Duna” style fisherman soup, which in itself can be the lifeblood of an overcast winter day.


Or we could mention the grated carp fillet „ Racz”style, where the carp slices are cooked with onion, potatoes, lecsos and sour cream. We get a really rich and delicious one-way dish, right?


At the same time, we cannot go without the word without the word “dorozsmai”, and the catfish stew served with cottage cheese. The former is also enriched with lecso and mushrooms, prepared with sour cream and perfected, then served with snack.


The fish stew is baked with bacon and topped up with curd flavor to make it delicious. If you have a salivary secretion, you will be delighted with this news: this excellent Hungarian dish can be tasted in London, with several other dishes. Luckily, you don’t have to give up your home tastes here either.

And if you belong to a little bit more attentive camp, you can eat the grilled fish fillet with steamed vegetables, or if you want a slightly more substantial garnish, the natural fish fillet served with parsley potatoes can be an excellent choice. The bottom line is the halo.

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