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Whether it is baked, cooked or steamed, the carrot is good for you. In addition to being a divine flavor, you bring a vitamin bomb into your body with only very few vegetables!



Carrot is one of the basic vegetables for every household. In the majority of cases, it is mainly cooked with soup, possibly as a supplement to sauces, as an accessory to salads, as a beetroot, or when pressed or consumed raw this undervalued vegetable.


These are the most common ways to consume carrots, although with exciting seasoning, we can not only find divine food, but because of its vitamin content, we can do well with this vegetable for our health.


He didn’t bring the bunny, but the bunny still came


The carrot is a real historical experience. It originates from Western Asia, exactly on the way from Afghanistan and Iran to the VIII. around the 19th century to reach the Iberian Peninsula through the Moors. From then on, he conquered Northern Europe for centuries, and then the rest of the continent slowly slipped into the carrot.


First European Written Memo for Carrots in XII. It can be found in the 19th century when an Andalusian Arab scholar – in his farm – Ibn al-‘Awwam, “The Book of Agriculture” already mentions the red and yellow vegetables at that time. For the first time in Hungary, János Lippay remembered the carrot a few centuries later, in 1664.

We thank the Dutch for carrotss


The famous orange color of the carrot today was made by Dutch gardeners by breed breeding in the XVII. century. It seems that in the Netherlands, the long-standing affection for the orange color is: first the carrot and then the national team’s football field became orange.


In any case, they still know and love the color of carrots in Asia: they also grow red, white, yellow, and purple carrots, occasionally meeting them in domestic markets, even though the goods are higher than the usual orange carrots.


Bomb yourself with carrot vitamin


As for the non plus ultra of carrot: available throughout the year, it is also one of the few vegetables that is cooked more nutritious than raw. The reason for this is that due to the thick cell walls, the body can utilize only 25% of the beta-carotene in the carrot. Conversely, if you cook the carrots, more than 50% of the beta-carotene in it can be utilized because of the damage to the cell walls and the fat in the food.


Carrot Vitamins:

– A, B, C, E, and K sources

– It also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron, chromium and salt.

– high fiber content,

– the beta-carotene in it is converted to vitamin A.

If you are wondering why this rich vitamin is useful…


10 arguments for carrot consumption:

– high fiber content facilitates cleansing of the intestines, removal of deposited waste,

– Vitamin A in carrots can prevent wolf blindness

– helps in the development of bone and teeth in childhood, including carrots for most baby foods,

– reduces the risk of stroke and cancer,

– you can reduce blood cholesterol by 11% by eating 20 dkg carrots,

– improves circulation, helps with liver and kidney function,

– especially recommended for skin problems, for example carrots are especially useful for acne, wrinkles and pigment spots, or for spreading,

– strengthens, enhances and brightens the hair, delays fading,

– Carrot consumption is especially recommended during pregnancy, as it promotes the development of the fetus, reduces the risk of miscarriage and infections, and also plays a role in maternal milk selection.

– has an immunosuppressive effect.



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